Treće poluvrijeme
The third book by Emir Imamović Pirke, The Third Half, tells the story of a typical socialist settlement built around a barbed wire factory, and of the post-war ruin of that town and its population.
The novel begins with a TV news report about the discovery of three corpses in the Duboka pit above Podgrad, and through a series of flashbacks, it narrates a story that goes back to pre-war times and which, at the end of the novel, will solve the enigma of their murder. Pirka skillfully and unmistakably manages the complex and comprehensive plot, to the benefit of the story. The third half is a novel whose crime story was created on the basis of private dramas, conceived somewhere, in the historical and political and psychological and football fields. In short, everything in one place, neither town nor village, but in Podgrad.
One copy is available