Literature for children • Literature for children
Čarobno samarče
Vančo Nikoleski
The story follows a boy whose magical support enables him to do good deeds and help people in need.
Through his adventures, the boy discovers the importance of selflessness, friendship and kindness. The book promotes values that are essential for growing up and living in a community.
There aren't too many smileys lately. In fact, there are very few of them. People, and even children, laugh too little. There has been a great lack of genuine laughter on Earth.
Sipar, 2009.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
5.98 - 7.56 €
Literature for children • Croatian literature
This is the story of Alenka's troubles with her parents. Brave Alenka must go to Čudoptica in Črnšum to get a magic egg - in order to solve her troubles.
Sipar, 2019.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
5.96 - 5.99 €
Literature for children • Picture Books and Fairy Tales
Korenčica is a fairy tale about friendship, about greed and the pursuit of wealth, about love, from which springs a strong call to preserve the beautiful world of animals.