Hrestomatija opće povijesti prava i države 1-2
"Hrestomatija of the general history of law and the state 1-2" by Šefko Kurtović follows the content of the textbook of the same name, providing a collection of original texts, legal documents and historical materials that illustrate key moments in the de
Chrestomaty is a tool that enables students to gain a deeper understanding of historical legal systems through the analysis of authentic sources.
The first part brings texts from ancient legal systems such as Hammurabi's code, Solon's laws, and Roman law, including fragments from the Corpus iuris civilis. These sources depict the fundamental principles and values of ancient societies.
The second part focuses on the medieval and modern periods, with key documents such as the Magna Carta, Enlightenment legislation, and legal texts associated with revolutions. The focus is on the development of the idea of rights, laws and state arrangements.
Chrestomathy is useful for analytical reading and comparative study, enriching the understanding of legal history.
The book consists of two volumes.
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- Slight damage to the cover