Utjecaj organizacijskih varijabli na uspjeh programa unapređenja poslovnih procesa

Utjecaj organizacijskih varijabli na uspjeh programa unapređenja poslovnih procesa

The book Influence of organizational variables on the success of the business process improvement program by prof. Ph.D. sc. Marina Bublea analyzes how strategic, structural and human resources affect the success of business changes. It focuses on the tra

The book explores the key factors that influence the success of improving business processes in organizations. Analyzes strategic, structural and human resources and their impact on the implementation and results of business changes. The author discusses the transition from traditional to process-oriented organizations, emphasizing the importance of strategy adjustment and performance measurability. The book is useful for students, researchers, and managers who want to understand how organizational variables can improve business processes.

Prof.dr.sc. Marin Buble
25 x 20 cm
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Split, 2010.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

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