Pucanj u Kennedyja: Životna priča i dramatična smrt voljenog predsjednika
In the middle of a campaign visit to Dallas in 1963, President J.F. Kennedy was assassinated. This is his life story, about his political career, about his dramatic death and the events surrounding it. The assassination shook America, changed its history
On November 22, 1963, one of the most dramatic events in the history of the USA took place. US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by a sniper in Dallas, Texas, while he was riding in a motorcade through the city streets. The event shocked the American and world public. For several hours, until the basic circumstances of the event were clarified, the public was even afraid that a world war would break out. The event changed the entire political and spiritual climate of the USA, and later, due to a series of mysterious circumstances, it turned into one of the biggest political-conspiracy mysteries in the entire American and even world history.
At the age of 43, John Kennedy was the youngest man to enter the White House in modern times, he represented a new liberal-oriented American generation, which gave hope that after the gray post-war years, America would enter a new period of transformation. In the less than three years he was in the White House, Kennedy began to change the country in a different social and cultural atmosphere, especially in the sphere of human rights and civil liberties. That effort of his was interrupted by the shootings in Dallas, but the significant progress he made in that short period became not only the basis for creating a legend about what he could do, but also the basis for the great revolution of mass culture that swept the Western world, especially young people, in the sixties.
This book reveals to new generations who John Kennedy was, what kind of man he was, why he was such a successful president, why he fascinated the American public and what personal dramas he lived through.
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