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This is a book of true stories. They are taken from the best book in the world, the Bible. From the stories you will learn the history of the world, from when God began to create until today. They also tell what God has promised to do in the future.
The book introduces what the Bible is about. It tells about the people of the Bible and the things they did. It shows the wonderful hope that God has given humans of everlasting life on a paradise earth.
The book has 116 stories. They are grouped into eight sections. A page at the beginning of each section summarizes the content of that group. The stories are presented in the order in which events occurred in history. This will help you to learn when events in history occurred in connection with other events.
The stories are told in simple language. Many of you young children will be able to read them yourself. You parents, you will discover how much your young children will enjoy these stories, reading them over and over again. You will find that the book is equally interesting for young and old.
One copy is available