Židovski Osijek
The brochure is intended for teachers, students and anyone interested in teaching the topics of Jewish heritage, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust.
The brochure "Jewish Osijek" is the result of a joint collaboration of three projects: "Jewish Osijek" implemented by the Nansen Dialogue Center Osijek, "Rediscover, expose and exploit the concealed Jewish heritage of the Danube Region / Pono otkriti, izložiti i izveći skrivene židovsku baštinu Podunavlje" implemented by the City of Szeged (HU), with the City of Osijek as a partner, and the project "Slice of Culture" implemented by Fade In in partnership with the Nansen Dialogue Center from Osijek, the Roma Resource Center from Darda, the City of Osijek and the Croatian Society of Cultural Tourism from Osijek.
One copy is available