Religion & Beliefs
Kako gay postaje ok: Kako racionalizacija homoseksualnoga ponašanja dovodi do sveopće promjene
Kako probuditi kršćanina?
A book of caricatures by the famous Croatian caricaturist Srećko Puntarić, created by a selection of about ninety of the best caricatures that cover the last page of Glasa Koncila.
Kako razumjeti Međugorje?
The book "How to Understand Medjugorje?" by Ivan Kordić, published in 2012, analyzes the events in Medjugorje through the prism of contemporary philosophy, science, and spirituality.
Kako sigurno postići sreću
How to safely achieve happiness is the subject of a book written by Father Elisej. This book, published in 2015, offers reflections on the search for true happiness and fulfillment.
Kamo idemo? (Orijentacione točke)
How can upbringing be successful without reliable authority, how can an addiction be cured without real life values?
Kanonske vizitacije Osijeka 1732-1761
Kao kruh koji se lomi
"As Bread That Is Broken" (original title: As Bread That Is Broken) is a 1979 book written by Dutch Jesuit Piet van Breemen.
Kapucini u Osijeku : gradivo iz bečkog kapucinskog samostana : 1702.-1919.
This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of Osijek and the role of Capuchins in the development of the city.
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