15 minuta s Isusom Pred Presvetim, u svakoj prilici, na svakom mjestu
15 Minutes with Jesus, also known as Quarter Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, is a popular folk devotion that strengthens faith and trust in God and encourages us to open ourselves to God's love and grace.
Almanac of Christian Trivia: A Miscellany of Oddities, Instructional Anecdotes, Little-Known Facts and Occasional Frivolity
An instructive and entertaining book about Christianity, written in an anecdotal manner, with quiz questions. A great gift!
Bilješke za ispravno prikazivanje Židova i židovstva u propovijedanju i katehezi Katoličke crkve
Deset zapovijedi Božjih
Devetnica u vrijeme depresije
In a time of utter hopelessness, indescribable spiritual pain and darkness, God's voice in the silence of our hearts constantly whispers: "You are not alone."
Dnevna predanja: Duhu Svetomu, Milosrdnomu Isusu, Blaženoj Djevici Mariji, sv. Antunu
The prayer booklet Daily Devotions contains a daily devotion to the Holy Spirit, Merciful Jesus, the Heavenly Mother, and a favorite saint, St. Anthony of Padua, as an encouragement for daily prayer.
Karmelski škapular - evo znaka spasenja
Lekcionar Bernardina Splićanina 1495.
Reprint of the 1885 edition published by the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, edited and preface written by Tomo Maretić. The reprint was edited and the foreword was written by Josip Bratulić.
Mali biblijski "leksikon": Pripomoć biblijskim skupinama
This book should serve Bible groups and individuals who want to consider a topic based on Bible reports.
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