Religion & Beliefs
Weil ich leben will
Those who were in the depths at the bottom, horrified, desperate, lost in the end and allowed to live again, cannot remain silent.
Whatever Happened to the Human Race? - Study and Action Guide
Choices are being made that undermine human rights at their most basic level. Practices once labeled "unthinkable" are now considered acceptable.
When the Spirit Comes (Hodder Christian paperbacks)
This tells how one church community experienced a remarkable form of divine intervention which is still an example to others today.
Why Politics Needs Religion: The Place of Religious Arguments in the Public Square
Can religion and politics mix? Many voices reply, "No way!" Yet in this provocative and timely book, Brendan Sweetman argues against this charge and the various sophisticated arguments that support it.
The book explores the principles and practices of yoga, but also its wider context in the life of an individual. The author emphasizes the importance of balance between body, mind and soul, and how yoga can be a tool for personal growth and spiritual fulf
Yoga Upanišad: Otajstvo uprezanja - zbornik, tom I
"Yoga Upanishads: The Secret of Harnessing - Collection, Volume I" is a collection of texts dealing with the philosophy of yoga and its spiritual practices.
Yongsan Taejae: buddhistički ritual kao zrcalna slika korejske kulture
Zabrana školskog vjeronauka u doba komunizma
Zabranjeno ostarjeti
Youth is a broad narration of life, and old age is its short summary.
Začeci židovstva
This is the eighth book from the author's History of Salvation series, in which he deals with the Old Testament history of the chosen people.
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