University textbooks
IT u primjeni
Manager's guide to the application of information technology systems.
Izazovi menadžmenta u XXI. stoljeću
Management challenges in the XXI century. century is a book that strives to provide the reader with a current insight into today's entire business environment, into the ideas, skills and power that the job of managers and executives provides.
Javno privatna partnerstva
In Public-Private Partnerships, Policy Principles and Financing, E. R. Yescombe focuses on practical concepts, issues and techniques.
Kako do rezultata
The book "How to get results" provides a practical guide for achieving goals and improving personal and professional efficiency.
Management and Marketing in Turbulent Times. An indispensable guide for business leaders who strive to survive today's economic storms and thrive in tomorrow's inevitable turbulence.
Kirurgija : Simptomi i klinički pregled
Latinski za pravnike = Latinitas iuridica: početni udžbenik
The textbook is adapted to the needs of law students who are starting to learn the Latin language. Aimed at mastering the basics of the Latin language and terminology that is essential for understanding Roman law and legal texts.
- A practical book
- Alternative
- Art
- Children's books
- Collectables
- Collections and chronologies
- Comics
- Encyclopedia, Dictionaries & Lexicons
- Facsimile editions
- Fun games
- History
- Homeland book
- Journalism
- Literature
- Monography
- Natural Science
- Periodicals
- Philosophy
- Religion & Beliefs
- Social Science
- Technology Books
- University textbooks