World War II
Genocide : ethnic cleansing in Northwestern Bosnia
The work documents and shows the creation of the Republika Srpska with its capital Banja Luka as part of the larger Republika Srpska Krajina and the war crimes committed against the Muslims and Croats of Northwestern Bosnia. Book in English, German and Fr
Gole lutke I-III
Trilogy: Women's torture chamber, Friendship and hatred, Women's commando
Himmlerov pokusni kunić
The story of Vojkan Simić, who was the only survivor of gruesome experiments at the "center for medical research" in a German concentration camp.
Historija Gestapoa
"Gestapo", those three syllables made Germany tremble for twelve years, and then all of Europe. They remain a universal symbol of oppression and terror.
Hitlerovi špijuni
Hrvatska borba za opstojnost 1918.-1998.
The book contains an account of the history of Croatia from 1918 to 1998 in four historical periods (1918-1941; 1941-1945, 1945-1990 and 1990-1998).
Ilustrirana povijest narodnooslobodilačke borbe u Jugoslaviji 1941-1945.
Jugoslavenske vlade u izbjeglištvu 1941-1943
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