Radovi razdio filozofije, psihologije, sociologije i pedagogije 1991/1992
Raznolikosti religioznog iskustva
Varieties of Religious Experience is a book by psychologist and philosopher William James from Harvard University. It consists of his lectures on natural theology, which were delivered at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland between 1901 and 1902.
Razumijevanje ludila
The author tries to bring mental illness closer to us and make it more understandable, pointing out that the experiences of mentally ill people are sometimes no different from the experiences of normal people, because we all sometimes have unrealistic fee
Razvoj deteta
The book deals with the different stages of growth and development of children from infants to adolescents.
Remotely Controlled: How Television is Damaging Our Lives - and What We Can Do About it
Romantični na 1001 način
This book is intended for everyone, but above all for those who are in love and love someone.
San i tumačenje snova: sa 500 simbola sna
A well-known expert, a Swiss psychologist and follower of C. G. Jung, explains in this book the phenomenon of dreams and interprets the meaning of certain types of dreams, classified systematically according to their content into related groups.
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