Primitivni mentalitet
This work is a psychological-sociological treatise, which studies that level of human consciousness, which, according to Lévy-Bruhl, precedes the consciousness of today's European.
Privreda i društvo Hrvatske u 19. stoljeću
Promjene ili propast
Coincidence is an invented word to cover up the importance of the connection between facts, people and events, so I am sending that, as the most important message, as an incentive for CHANGES!
Promjene u svakodnevnom životu sela i grada
Rasprava o porijeklu i osnovama nejednakosti među ljudima / Društveni ugovor
Rousseau in the work "Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among people" analyzes the origin of social differences and their impact on human nature. In "The Social Contract" he considers how individuals can preserve their freedom within a
Razgovor sa robotom
The author speculates about the impact of technological and IT progress on the development of language and communication methods.
Razvoj deteta
The book deals with the different stages of growth and development of children from infants to adolescents.
Remotely Controlled: How Television is Damaging Our Lives - and What We Can Do About it
Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West
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