Social Science
Financije i financijsko pravo (zbirka radova)
This collection of papers provides a comprehensive overview of key topics in financial law and can be a valuable resource for further research and study.
Financije za strateško odlučivanje
Everything non-financial managers need to know.
Financijski preporod
A simple and proven plan on how to eliminate loans and other debts, buy a home, become a millionaire and at the same time sleep like a righteous man
Financijsko izvještavanje u Europskoj uniji
The book Financial reporting in the European Union was created as a result of research on the harmonization of financial reporting in the world, and especially in the European Union.
Financijsko pravo SFR Jugoslavije
This book deals with financial law and financial science.
Fiskovićev zbornik I-II : zbornik radova posvećenih sedamdesetogodišnjici života Cvita Fiskovića
A collection of papers dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the life of art historian Cvito Fisković.
Francuski s izgovorom - U svakoj situaciji za svakoga
From Kosovo To Kabul: Human Rights and International Intervention
Gartsideovi modeli poslovnih pisama i ostalih poslovnih dokumenata
A unique book on the Croatian market, Gartside's models of business letters and other business documents, in this completely revised and updated fifth edition, includes every imaginable form of business documentation.
Social Science
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