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Nathan Never #7: Ljudi sjene
"Shadow People" is the seventh issue of the "Nathan Never" series, published by Slobodna Dalmacija. The script was written by Antonio Serra, and the drawing is signed by Nicola Mari.
Nathan Never #1: Specijalni agent Alfe
The first issue of the Italian sci-fi comic "Nathan Never", created by the team of authors Michele Medda, Antonio Serra and Bepi Vigna. The comic was first published in 1991 by the publishing house Sergio Bonelli Editore.
Siromašno momče i lisica: Makedonska narodna pripovijetka
Siljan roda: Makedonska narodna pripovijetka
Siljan, the hero of this story, is sometimes a boy, sometimes a stork, so it is no wonder that we meet people who have something animal in them and animals who think, speak and act like people - wise men and fools, warriors and cowards.
Priča o tri graha / Mali pastir: Slovenske narodne pripovijetke
The story of the three beans was written by Eva Zokševa in the collection "Narodne praljivca iz Prekomurje", while the Istrian story Little Shepherd was written by J. Benigar, and was published in "Slovenski glasnik" in 1866.
Medvjed i lisica / Višeput prevareni vuk: Hrvatske narodne pripovijetke
The short story "The Bear and the Fox" was published by Fehim H. Baščausević in the magazine Behar Vi/3 in 1905. "Višeput prevareni vuk" was published in 1883 by Nikola Tordinac in the book Croatian Folk Songs and Tales from Bosnia.
Braća i blago: Hrvatska narodna pripovijetka
The story was published by Mijat Stojanović in his book Folk Tales and Poems, published in 1867. Along with it, Stojanović noted: "In Samac from the merchant Marko from Kobaš, grad. krajina year 1835."
Čoban nadmudrio carevu kćer: Hrvatska narodna pripovijetka
The story was originally published in the collection of Croatian folk stories from Vojvodina "To the sky", which was collected and edited by Balint Vujkov, under the title Wise Shepherd, and narrated by Miško Zelić Kaćmar.
Đavo i njegov šegrt / Laž za okladu: Srpske narodne pripovijetke
For the short story The Devil and His Apprentice Wolf St. Karadžić says that it was "narrated and written to him in 1829 in Zemusnkome infirmary by Gruje Mehandžijić from Sentomaš". Regarding the short story Laž za okladu, he says that he "heard it back i
Djevojka cara nadmudrila / Dva novca: Srpske narodne pripovijetke
About the origin of the short story The girl outsmarted the emperor by Vuk St. Karadžić says that it was sent to him by pop Vuk Popović from Risno in Boka Kotorska. About the short story Two Money, he says: "I heard it from a beggar in Novi Sad, but I wro
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