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Kraljevstvo uspomena
Sofia Solanas will fall in love early without knowing that her choice is impermissible and that passionate love will be a great shame for her family. Twenty years later, a family tragedy will bring Sofia to her parents' home.
Naknadni životi
The first novel translated into Croatian by the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2021 is a powerful multi-generational saga about exiles, losses and love in the turbulent times of the brutal colonization of East Africa at the beginning of the 2
Isusov brat
A book about the find that caused perhaps the greatest astonishment in the history of archeology - an inscription believed to be the first archaeological evidence of Jesus of Nazareth. With a foreword by Andre Laimaire.
Istočno od raja
Steinbeck considered this novel his best work. Literary criticism and the widest audience agree with him. A famous film was made based on it, which was awarded in Cannes.
Zločin i kazna
Crime and Punishment, one of the most significant novels of all time, is the work of the Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky. This edition of Crime and Punishment was translated from Russian by Iso Velikanović.
With the brilliant debut of Heike Geißler, she conquered the German audience. With a novel about a girl who leaves her newborn baby because she feels she is losing control over her own life and desires, the author tells the story of a generation of lost p
Pitanje anatomije
In The Question of Anatomy, Marina Vujčić writes a sad-happy story about the love and friendship of two so different, yet so deeply similar recluses.
Nebo i pakao
Jón Kalman Stefánsson's Heaven and Hell is a book of elements, a novel of water and fire, air and earth, but also the forces that collide and calm them - in a spectacular landscape, in man.
Jo Nesbø continues the successful story of the detective Harry Hole series of novels that has won numerous literary awards, including The Glass Key and the Riverton Prize.
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