Osloboditi slobodu: Kršćani pred izazovima suvremenoga društva i politike
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI talks about contemporary culture and society and the challenges they pose to every Christian in this important book with the intriguing title Unleash Freedom.
From a theological, philosophical and historical position, Joseph Ratzinger explored questions about politics, man and faith in books, speeches and homilies during the decades of his activity - from the period when he was a professor of theology to the mandate of the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and as Pope Benedict XVI. Now are his most significant reflections on political and social topics collected in this book for which Pope Francis wrote the foreword. In this book, Ratzinger provides clear guidelines for the correct thinking and action of Christians in society, showing that without being grounded in faith, politics and society can lose their meaning and their path.
"What was said about the patriarchs of Israel applies again to Christians: they are foreigners and newcomers because they strive for a future homeland (cf. Heb 11:13-16). Such texts have long been disliked because they seem to alienate man from the land , to distract him from his task in the world, which is also a political task. (...) let's leave the sky to the sparrows. We take care of the earth and make it pleasant to live in. (...) Hope in the sky it is not directed against loyalty to the country, it is hope for the country as well. By hoping for the greater and final, we Christians can and must bring hope to this transient and temporary, to the political dimension and the world of state institutions." Benedict XVI.
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