Dnevnik anđela čuvara

Dnevnik anđela čuvara

Carolyn Jess-Cooke

An intriguing story about the pitfalls a person falls into in life and the labyrinths of the spiritual world, "Diary of a Guardian Angel" is a book about love, pain, regret, hope and an extraordinary opportunity to defeat fate.

Margot Delacroix dies at the age of 42, but gets the chance to return to earth as her own guardian angel. Now under the name Ruth, she receives a divine mandate to relive her biggest mistakes and regrettable experiences - from the beginning of her life to her untimely death.

Forced from the moment of birth to endure the vagaries of fate and face the uncertain outcomes of free will, Ruth dedicates herself to the task of changing the course of her own life and ultimately preventing an untimely death. When she realizes that it was her actions that caused her teenage son to end up in drug hell and then killed, she makes a deal with the demon: she is willing to give up her place in heaven in exchange for the chance to save her son from his tragic fate. But the changes he makes result in consequences that no one expected...

Original title
The guardian angel’s journal
Ana Gneralić
Nives Tomašević
20.5 x 13.5 cm
Naklada Ljevak d.o.o., Zagreb, 2012.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

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