Čuda: što su, zašto se događaju i kako vam mogu promijeniti život

Čuda: što su, zašto se događaju i kako vam mogu promijeniti život

Eric Metaxas

What are miracles and why do so many people believe in them? What do they tell us about us? And how can we understand experiences that we cannot explain?

In this exceptional book, Eric Metaxas offers compelling and truly stunning evidence that miracles really do exist, and sheds new light on everything we've thought about the subject. Miracles are also a response to certain books that passionately advocate the impossibility of miracles and supernatural phenomena and the obvious harm of believing in them.

Miracles is an anecdotal, more modern, and more personal version of C.S. Lewis's iconic 1947 book on the subject, and it powerfully demonstrates that miracles are not only possible, but always present, whether we believe in them or not.

Original title
Tamara Slišković
Nataša Pejić
20.5 x 13.5 cm
Znanje, Zagreb, 2015.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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