Putopisi i studije 1: Izlet u Rusiju 1925

Putopisi i studije 1: Izlet u Rusiju 1925

Miroslav Krleža

A trip to Russia in 1925 is a collection of travelogues, feuilletons, essays and studies that connect the writer's journey covered by the title.

Excursion to Russia is not a narrative unit organized as a travelogue, i.e. according to the text it would not be possible to determine the itinerary more precisely spatially or temporally, but it is connected with the author's preoccupation with Russia and the trip to that country. Considering the general framework of the era and considering Krleža's ideological orientation, the interest is expected and logical: Russia and Lenin appear in many of his texts, and some of his friends were already or stayed in the services of the Communist International. Thus, Krleža's trip to Russia, on the basis of which Trip to Russia was created, is connected to these occasions. Although Krleža - as far as is known - traveled to Russia as a writer and not for a political reason, entering the then Soviet Union, obtaining a visa, staying in Moscow and moving around the country were not easy. Therefore, there remained a kind of controversy surrounding Krleža's travels, connected to the conspiracy that had to accompany such travels.

Enes Čengić, Ivo Frangeš
20 x 14 cm
NIŠRO Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 1985.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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