Uvod u didaktiku hrvatskoga jezika

Uvod u didaktiku hrvatskoga jezika

Anđelka Peko, Ana Pintarić

The textbook is organized into five chapters: Education - education - teaching; Purpose, goals and tasks of education and teaching; Content and organizational basis of teaching; The course of the teaching process and evaluation of education.

Each chapter contains a series of sub-chapters in which the problem is approached in three steps: first, concepts are explained at the theoretical level, then they are exemplified, and in the third step, an exercise task is offered.

Antun Babić
24.5 x 17 cm
Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera, Osijek, 1999.
Distribution: 500 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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