Božanstvena komedija: Raj

Božanstvena komedija: Raj

Dante Alighieri

While the poetry of Hell is completely human and full of dramatic power, the poetry of Purgatory is the poetry of peace, gentleness and tranquility after life's storms, and the poetry of Paradise is the poem of a Christian believer and scholar of that tim

The third posthumous kingdom of the Divine Comedy is Paradise, "the abode of the perfect, that is, those whose goodness of inner intention has become behavior, 'virtue', being", as Guardini writes. Paradise is the kingdom of the spirit, the kingdom in which human nature is transcended or elevated to a higher level by deification; Paradise is only heavenly bliss, a state of happiness, completeness and spiritual perfection. The structure of Paradise naturally connects with the structure of Hell and Purgatory. And in Paradise there is a division into ten parts. Paradise is actually Empyrean, the immovable mover that moves everything. In it dwell the blessed who, according to the different degrees of their merits and their bliss, appear in the nine heavens that circle the Earth.

Original title
Divina commedia
Mihovil Kombol, Olinko Delorko
Jakša Kušan
Ljubo Babić, Valerija Pavić
20 x 13.5 cm
Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 1960.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

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