Eseji 4: Deset krvavih godina

Eseji 4: Deset krvavih godina

Miroslav Krleža

The book of essays "Ten bloody years" from 1937 contained the following essays: Ten bloody years, About our intelligence, A few words about petty-bourgeois historicism in general, The collapse of Fran Supil, The death of Stjepan Radić, Ivan Meštrović beli

The book of political essays Ten Bloody Years is a unique work of great thematic range, emotional intensity and intellectual penetration. It is at the same time a meticulous erudite analysis of Croatian political and cultural life over the centuries, and a fascinating reconstruction of events during the years of Austro-Hungarian agony, and a merciless critique of civil parliamentarism in the Kingdom of SHS. But it is also a deeply personal, temperamental, lived-in, true "Krležian" book full of daring theses, prophetic visions, subversions, ironic escapades, but also contradictions, inconsistencies and capriciousness. Krleža brings dramatic energy and emotional charge to political events and portraits. Even when it causes disgust, bitterness or revolt in him, even when he hates it, Krleža is fascinated by politics.

Enes Čengić, Anđelko Malinar
20 x 13 cm
NIŠRO Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 1979.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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