Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 2: D-Ini

Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 2: D-Ini

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Andre Mohorovčić
Vincent van Gogh
Graphics design
Ljubo Babić
30 x 23 cm
Leksikografski zavod FNRJ, Zagreb, 1962.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

A copy is available as part of the book set "Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 1-4"

Browse the set

Copy number 1

Books set price: 56.32

Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 1: A-Ćus

1. Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 1: A-Ćus

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Pages: 755
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 2: D-Ini

2. Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 2: D-Ini

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Pages: 699
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 3: Inj-Portl

3. Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 3: Inj-Portl

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Pages: 714
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 4: Portr-Ž

4. Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 4: Portr-Ž

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Pages: 693
Condition:Used, excellent condition

A copy is available as part of the book set "Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 1-4"

Browse the set

Copy number 2

Books set price: 28.44

Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 1: A-Ćus

1. Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 1: A-Ćus

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Pages: 755
Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • The cover is missing
Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 2: D-Ini

2. Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 2: D-Ini

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Pages: 699
Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • The cover is missing
Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 3: Inj-Portl

3. Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 3: Inj-Portl

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Pages: 714
Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • The cover is missing
Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 4: Portr-Ž

4. Enciklopedija likovnih umjetnosti 4: Portr-Ž

An encyclopedic set of four volumes that deals with the history and development of fine arts in great detail and precision.

Pages: 693
Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • The cover is missing

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