Kopački rit

Kopački rit

Marin Topić, Domagoj Topić

The secret of the swamp. Texts in Croatian, English and German.

Kopački rit Nature Park was founded in 1967, and is located in the northeastern part of the Osijek-Baranja County, where Croatia borders Serbia. It is a flood valley and an internal delta of a large and very powerful river in the shape of an angle that the Danube forms with one of its most important tributaries, the Drava River, which flows into the Danube near Aljmaš downstream from Osijek. To the west of the flood valley at an elevation of between eight and ten meters is the very old village of Kopačevo (Kopŕcs), which is mentioned in the sources as early as 1212. The whole flood valley is called Kopački rit after the name of the village after the Hungarian word rit, bog, baruština (mocsár), i.e. marshy, boggy and swampy region (mocsaras, mocsaras vidék).

Marin Topić
Marin Topić, Domagoj Topić
Graphics design
Mit dizajn studio
15.5 x 21.5 cm
MIT dizajn studio, Osijek, 2008.
Distribution: 2,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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