Pale sam na svijetu

Pale sam na svijetu

Jens Sigsgaard

I fell alone in the world has been reworked in such a way that the meaning of the text and the emotional charge are preserved, while reading and understanding are facilitated by simple sentence constructions, the choice and order of words in the sentence,

The world-famous picture book by a Danish author was first published way back in 1942, and is still popular today, even reading for the 1st grade of elementary school. It is a well-known story about a boy who was left completely alone in the whole world and could do whatever he wanted. He could eat what he wanted, take and do what his heart desired, because there was no one to punish him or forbid him to do anything. Hmmm, at first - it sounds good, being alone in the world, but was our Pale happy about that?. Find the answer in this interesting picture book.

Original title
Pale alene i verden
Ivan Esih
Vedran Martinez
Arne Ungermanns
23 x 20 cm
Katarina Zrinski, Varaždin, 2006.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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