Rječnik ezoterizma
There is no dictionary of esotericism. It is up to the reader to decide whether it can now be said - he did not exist!
In libraries, we will find a multitude of lexicons, dictionaries, vocabularies and terms that deal with occultism, myths or symbols, philosophy or religion, sometimes spirituality, often astrology... but never esotericism. We can also resort to analyzes that break down the language of Plato or Sufism, the initiation into the so-called primitive Malian tribes, Bambara, Bozo and Dogon... However, we will not find a single word about esotericism in general. Admittedly, several studies have been published on the "dictionary of mysticism" or hermeticism, on the language of freemasons - only, their writers tacitly identify mysticism with esotericism, or do their best to reveal some influence, to unravel some ambiguity, instead of searching for idea, to go through the experience that made it possible for that idea to be discovered or created.
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