Društvena regulacija (granice znanosti i iskustva)

Društvena regulacija (granice znanosti i iskustva)

Eugen Pusić

The book "Social regulation" is a synthetic work of law theory, a work complementary to the book "Administrative systems", which is primarily a theory of the state.

There are three great values ​​of this book. First, it is modern and corresponds to the latest trends in the paradigm shift of social sciences. Secondly, it is necessary, because our legal science lacks studies that go beyond the level of legal positivism, ideological dogmatism and provincial fascination with a particular attractive topic. Thirdly, it is useful because it represents a synthesis of experiences on how law is practically used as an instrument, which is a thousand-year experience that we know too little and appreciate insufficiently. Instead of questions, Pusić offers answers, instead of speculation, he proposes a systematization of experience, instead of a discussion about the content of values, he offers an explanation of their change, instead of a partial (disciplinary, layman's) view, he offers a synthetic and holistic view of social regulation.

Smiljko Sokol, Josip Kregar
Graphics design
Bronislav Fajon
24.5 x 17 cm
Globus, Zagreb, 1989.
Distribution: 3,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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