Kralj Artur i vitezovi okruglog stola

Kralj Artur i vitezovi okruglog stola

Roger Lancelyn Green

With an abundance of beautiful illustrations, the book consists of five thematic units: Arthur's arrival; Knights of the Round Table; In Search of the Holy Grail; Arthur's departure and Epilogue.

"The story of King Arthur and the adventures of his knights has been told so many times that, at first glance, there is really no reason to retell it. But, if we exclude the poetic versions based on the legends, the versions of the poets Dryden, Morris, Tennyson, Swinburne and Charles Williams, the majority of English writers simply summarized the narration of Sir Thomas Malory, and although, already accepting the age of their readership, they omitted or simplified some parts , has almost never deviated significantly from Malory's text. It has recently been discovered that Malory did not conceive his book about King Arthur as a whole, but only as a collection of unrelated stories, told on the basis of old French romances. There is, admittedly, a certain connection, but there is no firm plan. Therefore, I have tried here to fit each adventure into a stronger whole of Arthur's kingdom and the empire of Logres, that model of chivalry and good in the fight against barbarism and evil, which, in the end, finally won. So, these are the foundations on which I built. I have tried to build a structure from the most famous adventures and exploits and from the most persistent pursuits of the famous knights of the Round Table. I also created some lesser-known short stories that fit into the whole."

Nada Horvat
17 x 12 cm
Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb, 1983.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
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  • Traces of patina

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