Feng Shui priručnik
The Feng Shui Handbook: How to Create a Healthier Environment at Home and at Work
Already several thousand years ago, the Chinese knew the secret of how energy moves in our environment and how the style of our buildings and interior decoration affect us on an elusive subtle level. THE FENG SHUI MANUAL presents you with practical steps you can take to contribute to a healthier environment in to which you live and work and have harmonized with the life forces around you. Feng shui (wind and water) developed from the eternal principles of Ji jing, yin and yang, the theory of the five elements, but also the way they affect the movement of energy in your environment. The Feng Shui Handbook is proud to offer insightful advice on how to plan and change things in your home, office or garden to harmonize with nature and improve your health and well-being, as well as that of your family and colleagues. • The first Western book on feng shui written by an original Chinese expert, advises you on choosing the location for your home or office, the position of your bed, the orientation of your front door, etc. • Especially interesting for business people, interior designers, commercial consultants and all those who deal with the successful arrangement and construction of houses. • Reconnects us with our living environment and its healing potential. • Shows ways to detect energy flows in and around buildings. • Offers solutions that improve the negative effect of excess energy or stagnant energy in rooms or the entire building.
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