Karmayoga : studije o genezi ideje "praktičkog" u ranoj indijskoj filozofiji
The book "Karmayoga: studies on the genesis of the idea of 'practical' in early Indian philosophy" by Borislav Mikulić explores the development of the concept of karmayoga and its role in Indian philosophy.
Summary of key topics:
- Definition of Karmayoga Karmayoga is explained as a path of action and selfless service, emphasizing the importance of action without attachment to results.
- Philosophical roots Mikulić analyzes early Indian texts and philosophical traditions, exploring how ideas about practicality developed over time, particularly in the context of the Vedas and Upanishads.
- Practical aspects The author focuses on how philosophical ideas about action shaped daily life and spiritual practices in Indian culture.
- Genesis of the idea of "practical" The book explores how the idea of the 'practical' has manifested itself in different schools of thought, including Buddhism and Jainism, and how these traditions have influenced the concept of karmayoga.
- Ethics and morality Mikulić also discusses the ethical implications of karmayoga and its importance for moral behavior in society.
- Role in the modern world The author reflects on the relevance of karmayoga in today's context, inviting readers to consider how they can apply these philosophical principles in their daily lives.
The book is deeply researched and analytical, providing readers with insight into philosophical traditions and their practical application.
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