Svjedočanstvo: od iluzije k istini

Svjedočanstvo: od iluzije k istini

Gloria Polo

Dr. Gloria Polo Ortiz, a dentist from Colombia, had an accident in 1995 at the age of 36. She was struck by lightning.

She was in a very serious condition - her legs were charred, her kidneys, lungs, and one ovary suffered severe burns. She lay in a coma on the machines for several days. During that time she was on the other side of reality, in the Otherworld, and was allowed to return again to give testimony for those who cannot believe. She brought us an important message from there. Read it on the following pages, straight from her mouth.

Josip Marcelić
19 x 11.5 cm
Don Božidar Medvid, Jelsa, 2008.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

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