Totalna terapija raka i leukemije te drugih, naizgled neizlječivih bolesti prirodnim sredstvima
The author presents his method of total cure of cancer, leukemia and other diseases. It consists of a combination of different teas and vegetable juices. The course is carried out for 42 days with fasting.
The total therapy of cancer and leukemia deals with the experientially and theoretically confirmed method of Rudolf Breuss. The recommended therapy in this book has so far saved the lives of thousands of people who are ready to limit their diet to only juices squeezed from organically grown vegetables for 42 days. Breuss himself cured about 4,000 people suffering from cancer.
But besides cancer and leukemia, Breuss recommends that many other diseases be treated with natural means.
high and low blood pressure, gray barbel, hemorrhoids, heart muscle damage, pollen allergy, infertility, headaches, varicose veins on the legs, blood flow disorders, asthma, gastritis, rheumatism, insomnia, melancholy, diabetes… This little book can change your future and save your life!
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