Gartsideovi modeli poslovnih pisama i ostalih poslovnih dokumenata

Gartsideovi modeli poslovnih pisama i ostalih poslovnih dokumenata

Shirley Taylor

A unique book on the Croatian market, Gartside's models of business letters and other business documents, in this completely revised and updated fifth edition, includes every imaginable form of business documentation.

The book is an irreplaceable manual, in which you can find various practical and very useful tips in one place to express everything you want and thereby achieve successful business communication!

Brief content:

  • Written communication, review
  • Routine business letters (inquiries, responses, price lists, estimates, offers, orders, invoicing, payment requests, complaints and their resolution, credit and status inquiries, typical business transaction)
  • Special business documents (letters to clients, circular letters, commercial letters and offers, employees, travel and hotels, promotional material, arranging meetings)
  • Confidential business letters (agencies, international trade, banking, transport, insurance)

Original title
Gartside's model business letters & others business documents
Sanja Romić
24 x 17 cm
Mate d.o.o, Zagreb, 2002.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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