Nausea is a philosophical novel by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, and at the same time his most famous work. It was published in 1938 and thus became one of the main works of existentialism.
The novel describes several weeks in the vain life of Antoine Roquentin, who is haunted by a feeling of nausea, fear of existence. The place of action is the small town of Bouville. The main characters are Antoine Roquentin and Samouk (real name Ogier P.), Anny.
The work "Nausea" was written in the form of a diary of the main character Antoine Roquentin. His consciousness is the main aspect that makes up the plot of this work, which is filled with philosophical and essayistic passages. Nausea has almost no real plot, but deals with issues of existence, the meaning of life, freedom and will, and the world's indifference to the individual.
This novel became an inspiration to many other later authors who looked to it for inspiration for their works.
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