Jadi mladog karijeriste
In a literary convincing way, Vuletić breaks down the taboo of Stalinism, which is equally freakish in every careerist and in every time in which the individual, and the collective, serves the government, and not the continuous liberation of man. - Jure K
The novel The Woes of a Young Careerist is a grotesque antithesis to Ljermont's Hero of Our Time: Lovre Kanavelić is certainly - in fear for his "career" - more than a classic hero, positive or negative, of our time, which does not mean that he is not anchored in that time as his product. Although a victim of his ambitions, his fears - he and everything that happens around him are a great metaphor... Certainly, it is a satirical novel which, dealing with the fate of a petty careerist, speaks very bitterly about time, which not only enables, but also shapes such confused Kanavelić consciousnesses...
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