Kako gospodariti sobom pomoću svesne autosugestije
Emile Coue
The book talks about how to control your consciousness using autosuggestion.
Coue is not a scientist, nor a doctor, so you should not look for science or medicine in this book. He is primarily a practitioner who came to his knowledge on the basis of experiences gained in direct contact with patients and wanted to pass this experience on...
Original title
La maitrise de soi-meme par l' autosuggestion consciente
The following pages should be a testimony of a turning point in our image of the world, which encompasses all areas of life, and at the center of which is the development of the true dignity of our human existence.
Hodoba Kata Gočka.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
7.16 €
Esotericism • Mysteries • Paranormal and parapsychology
First hand stories from people who died but came back to tell us about it. Through years of work, radiation oncologist Jeffrey Long and his wife, Jody, have collected thousands of descriptions of near-death experiences (IBS) from around the world.
24 sata, 2015.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
10.52 €
Mysteries • History of the church • Christianity
The author investigates the most famous relics of the last two thousand years, connecting the origin, origin and religious meanings with the latest discoveries of modern science, which can determine the exact dates of origin and their authenticity.
For this book, critics said that they had never read so many confusing facts in any book. If everything is correct, we would have to observe the past and present of our planet with different eyes!
Vlastita naklada, 1986.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
6.42 €
Mysteries • Paranormal and parapsychology • First editions • Popular Science