Levitacija: od mistike do znanosti
The following pages should be a testimony of a turning point in our image of the world, which encompasses all areas of life, and at the center of which is the development of the true dignity of our human existence.
The fact that the greatest attention is devoted to "flying" or levitation. it is based on the special nature of the events of the past years. Inexperienced people thought that one who believes in "flying" cannot stand firmly on the ground. They have forgotten that the greatest dreams of mankind have wings and possess a firm nature, and that at best they are even immortal. Denying participation in those dreams, for me today, means denying the meaning of life. This book should first of all show that the "dream of mankind - flying" has already become a real reality for many and that the experience of higher levels of consciousness includes an unsuspected potential for the expansion and fulfillment of human life. A further theme of this book is the touch of the oldest cultural heritage of peoples, which represent the legacy of enlightenment for freedom along with modern natural science. That meeting is a blessing for the entire family of peoples, the meaning of which cannot yet be properly assessed. Physicist, scientist and enlightened leader of humanity Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, disciple of the great Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Djagadguru Shankaracharya of Jotir Math, who enjoys the greatest respect in India, stands as an exponent of that "Dialogue between Hemispheres", which is just beginning.
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