Literature for children • Literature for children
Priča o tri graha / Mali pastir: Slovenske narodne pripovijetke
The story of the three beans was written by Eva Zokševa in the collection "Narodne praljivca iz Prekomurje", while the Istrian story Little Shepherd was written by J. Benigar, and was published in "Slovenski glasnik" in 1866.
Enemy no. 1 is on the trail of Lovrak's most successful children's novels Train in the Snow and Druzba Pera Kvržica. This time, the group of students lives in Zagreb and is preparing a big action to oppose the rules imposed by adults.
Veselin Masleša, 1962.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
3.56 €
Literature for children • A war novel • First editions
"Eagles fly early" is one of Branko Ćopić's most famous children's novels. Although the year of publication is given as 1958, the novel was published in 1957. This is the first edition.