Lako do cilja: Osmislite budućnost i ostvarite svoje želje
A life like your wildest dreams and everything you wish for can only come true if you give up something that is especially dear to you – your current way of thinking! Because what if life is not meant to be a struggle, but rather a walk from peak to peak?
Each of us creates our own reality, and which of the countless possibilities will be realized in our lives depends solely on ourselves, says author Andreas Ackermann in his new book “Easy to the Goal”.
In his booklet, Andreas Ackermann presents the basic principles for thinking about life goals and charting our own future in an extremely simple and understandable way, and draws interesting comparisons with the works of Albert Einstein and the discoveries of quantum physics.
The author formulates the currently very popular theses about positive thinking – but also the associated traps and misconceptions, coincidences as consequences whose cause we do not know, and about the spiritual direction of our own life in the form of simple statements that he lays down gradually and clearly, with a stimulating dose of humor.
The author explains how important love is and how much money is, and why we should think about solutions, not problems, and supports his views with common sense and humorous explanations, provoking the reader to follow him on his adventure of logical thinking.
Only 5 percent of people know what they want and achieve their goals, a German study showed. The other 95 percent, the vast majority, could not name a single personal life goal.
So, are we “normal” if we let our days pass by without meaning to, Ackerman ironically asks, urging the reader to gain their own freedom by formulating life goals that will protect them from the manipulation of the media and other people.
One copy is available