Jedna planeta je opljačkana : zastrašujući bilans jedne politike
The book was published in September 1975 by the then CDU representative in the Bundestag, Herbert Gruhl. After the Club of Rome showed the "limits to growth" on our planet, Gruhl raised the question in this book about the remaining possibilities of our ec
In his book from 1975, Herbert Gruhl looked for the causes of the robbery of the ecological basis of humanity's life, which he saw in the ideology of growth (both capitalism and communism), and recommended renunciation and moderation instead of a consumer orientation. Gruhl also placed great importance on global population growth to plunder the planet. Here, environmental policy measures such as the reform of the environmental tax were given a boost. However, only encouraging technical environmental protection and other environmental protection policy measures will continue to be insufficient. A "planetary turn" is needed, which means that people must "think and act from the borders of the earth".
Gruhl's own assessment of whether "politicians or large sections of the people will understand the situation", i.e. give up on the path of economic and population growth, is cautious: "Perhaps the call will still reach the moving trains - although our assessment is more like that of the French poet Eugène Ionesca," who said that "there is no way out."
Two copies are available