University textbooks
Sportski menadžment
The best insight into the future of professional sports.
Strateško vođenje intervjua
The book "Strategic interviewing" deals with techniques and methods of effective interviewing in different contexts, including business, journalistic, research and forensic interviews.
Talijansko-hrvatski rječnik
The dictionary contains more than 60,000 words - derivatives, idioms and phrases from the contemporary Italian spoken and written language. Twelfth, Revised Edition.
Tržišta kapitala
The purpose of this book is to combine theoretical discussions and institutional descriptions to provide insight into the operation of some of the world's major capital markets. It is intended for students, but it is written in an accessible way for a wid
U potrazi za skladom : jezično - metodičke studije i modeli
Upravljanje pomoću misija
This book deals with management by missions (MBM), the main idea of which is the distribution of corporate missions and goals to all levels of the company.
Utjecaj organizacijskih varijabli na uspjeh programa unapređenja poslovnih procesa
The book Influence of organizational variables on the success of the business process improvement program by prof. Ph.D. sc. Marina Buble analyzes how strategic, structural and human resources affect the success of business changes.
Uvod u metode znanstvenog istraživanja u društvenim i humanističkim znanostima
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- University textbooks