University textbooks
Anglicizmi u hrvatskom ili srpskom jeziku: porijeklo, razvoj, značenje
Rudolf Filipović, a prominent Croatian linguist, in his book Anglicisms in the Croatian or Serbian language: origin, development, meaning explores the influence of the English language on the Croatian language.
Bogatstvo na dnu ekonomske piramide
Revised and updated 5th anniversary edition. Eradication of poverty through profit.
Budućnost menadžmenta
A guide to creating tomorrow's best practices today. A call to slowly discard outdated systems and processes, and to start talking about management in a new and different way.
Dijalektička teorija i praksa društva
This book provides a thorough introduction to economics, covering microeconomic and macroeconomic principles.
Ekonomija za menadžere u svjetskoj privredi
The book applies economic theory (micro and macroeconomics) and methods of decision science analysis to examine how an organization can most effectively achieve its goals or objectives.
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- University textbooks