Mali romani: O vremenima kina, filma i, naročito, Zagreba
Small novels consist of several parts, Zginematografi, Kokot u kinu, Special Extras, Biography and the poem Tomorrow Will Spill Me. This is the author's first book about cinemas in the series that followed.
Malo iznad tla: Srđan Karanović o svojim filmovima
Pierard was a Belgian writer and critic, and in this book he provides a deep insight into Manet's art, his technique and his influence on Impressionism.
Mapet Šou
The lyrics in this book are based on the lyrics used in the Muppet Show during its first two seasons.
Mara Švel - Gamiršek: Prilozi sa znanstvenog kolokvija 1997.
Contributions from the 1997 Scientific Colloquium held as part of the 9th Drenovci Poets' Meeting on October 3-4, 1997.
Marijan Kolesar - Slike
Marijan Kolesar - Slike
Marko Živković: Grafike, crteži, slike
Martin Mystere #58: Dživakin kamen
The action of this exciting adventure of the famous "detective of the impossible" begins when Martin and his faithful friend Java come into possession of a mysterious artifact - the stone of Jivaka, which is believed to possess immense powers.
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