Graničar 1921 – 1971
Monograph on the first fifty years of the football club "Graničar" from Županja.
This book explores the cultural and historical heritage of Croatia.
Hrvatska - Kroatien - Croatia - Europa
The book contains 224 pages, sewing thread, 3 languages (Croatian, English, German), approx. 60 pages of text, over 190 color photos.
Hrvatski mučenici ban Petar Zrinski i Franjo Krsto Frankopan
Memorial file of the Committee for the celebration of Zrinski and Frankopan in Osijek, edited by Rudolf F. Magjer. Very rarely offered. There is only a copy from Magjer's legacy in GISKO Osijek.
Kad Miki kaže da se boji: Prilozi za biografiju Johnnyja B. Štulića
The book about Johnny Štulić, the cult frontman of Azra, called "Additions to the biography of Johnny B. Štulić", which was worked on by the same team related to the film "When Miki says he's afraid" (the author of the book, Kruno Petrinović, is the co-sc
Kopački rit (fotomografija)
Kopački rit Nature Park, home to numerous, even endangered and rare animal species, is a great challenge for photographers, so the published photo monograph is not only a reward, but also a source of pride.
Ljubuški kraj, ljudi i vrijeme
Proceedings of the scientific symposium held in Ljubuški on August 11 and 12, 1995.
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