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Na rubu pameti
This is Krleža's only novel written in the first person, the so-called. "Ich-Form" and its content reveal Krleža's idealism. In the novel, through the voice of his nameless hero, Krleža speaks ironically and sarcastically about human stupidity.
Na surovom ratnom nebu
This is an exceptional wartime reading from the pen of a pilot of the 7th Guards Assault Regiment armed exclusively with IL-2 aircraft, the famous Sturmovici.
Nebo i pakao
Jón Kalman Stefánsson's Heaven and Hell is a book of elements, a novel of water and fire, air and earth, but also the forces that collide and calm them - in a spectacular landscape, in man.
Ne bojte se!
Nedjeljni zapisi 1944-1994.
Nedovršeni mozaik
A collection of travelogues, feuilletons, reviews and essays by the famous Croatian writer Vesna Parun in the period between 1958 and 1989, selected by Karmen Milačić.
Negacija i humanitet
"Negation and Humanity" by Ferenc Bodrogvari, published in 1977, is a philosophical study that explores the themes of humanism and negation.
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