Rare books
Stari mostovi u Bosni i Hercegovini
Veselin Masleša, 1969.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
27.36 €
Statut i pravilnici Saveza futbalskih trenera Jugoslavije
Statute and rules of association of football coaches in the former Yugoslavia from 1958.
Savez futbalskih trenera Jugoslavije, 1958.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
6.24 €
Stvaralaštvo Fransoa Rablea i narodna kultura srednjeg veka i renesanse
Nolit, 1978.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
15.96 €
See also
- A practical book
- Alternative
- Art
- Children's books
- Collectables
- Collections and chronologies
- Comics
- Encyclopedia, Dictionaries & Lexicons
- Facsimile editions
- Fun games
- History
- Homeland book
- Journalism
- Literature
- Monography
- Natural Science
- Periodicals
- Philosophy
- Religion & Beliefs
- Social Science
- Technology Books
- University textbooks