Naklada Ljevak
Palmotićeva ul. 30
Titles in our offer
An interesting novel about the fateful contact between man and the sea. In the center of the plot is the boy Tonko, with an extremely vivid imagination, who in the sensitive period of puberty and family crisis is influenced by dreams of the sea.
Tamna strana rocka : izabrani tekstovi o rock-glazbi
The book of essays on rock music from the pen of the English critic Nick Kent includes 27 essays, extensive reports and interviews written and published from the seventies to the nineties of the 20th century.
Ubožnica za utvare - Deset pripovijesti o nemogućim ljubavima
Rešicki, a writer of the middle generation, restores a somewhat lost dignity to Croatian prose with "Almshouse for Ghosts", no matter how worn out and compromised the latter word may be.
U rukavicama mi je ionako prevruće: Otvoreno o životu, ljubavi, Bogu i duhovnosti
The author of the bestsellers "School of Life" and "Ljubavologia", in his seventh book he talks about what spirituality is for him, how to develop permanent self-confidence and harmonious love, friendship and family relationships.
Vrijeme seksa u doba nevinosti
Can a romance novel be written as a crime novel? Like an exciting detection game with that genre "whodunit" question? It certainly can, judging by the tools used by Drago Hedl in the construction of this brilliant novel.