Jesenski i Turk
Preradovićeva 5
Titles in our offer
Bolja medicina: Kako do djelotvornosti
Better Medicine is a masterpiece, a series of stories that take place behind the thick hospital walls, each of which tells us something unforgettable about the world outside.
Do kaosa i natrag (putovanje u nepredvidljivost)
What do planetary motions, heartbeats and locust infestations have in common? The answer is chaos.
Enciklopedija urota 2. (enciklopedija teorija zavjere)
Conspiracies are all around us. They are the heart and soul of the political and business world, but also of everyday life.
Foucault za početnike
A popular and accessible introduction to the work of one of the most significant thinkers of the second half of the twentieth century, who, among other things, sought to explain the relationship between knowledge and power in the humanities, their discour
Kraj čarolije: religija kao prirodna pojava
The author tries to consider religion as a phenomenon that separates human beings from the rest of the animal world by creating certain beliefs. With their help, man overcomes his genetic imperatives.
Levi-Strauss i strukturalna antropologija za početnike
The author of this book traces the development of Levi-Strauss's thought, from the first explorations of the incest taboo through the elaboration of the theory of "wild" thought, to his considerations of art and language, signs and symbols - thereby throw
Naše veliko spravišče: desertni roman s izvornim geografskim podrijetlom
Petar Babić's novel Naše velko spravišče was based on a folk theater play, which was based on a legend from the 14th century about the reconciliation of the noble Kalnik peasants Šljivar and the Purgers of Varo.
Odbjegli svijet : Kako globalizacija oblikuje naše živote
This book contains lectures by sociologist Anthony Giddens on the state of the world at the end of the twentieth century. Globalization, risk, tradition, family and democracy are key and unavoidable topics in understanding the state and changes of the mod
Platon za početnike
The book begins by explaining how philosophers like Socrates and Pythagoras influenced Plato's thought. All the riddles of Plato's theory of knowledge and how it influenced his views on politics, ethics and the like are explained clearly and comprehensibl